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Vantage CPA (Android) INTL 38 countries - Non incentcooins.mobi MX +37$0.15
Social Network Survey - Casual Video Land - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.02
Finance Survey - Higher Rates - Fix CPL [Milti-GEO] - CPLZeydoo MX +56$0.15
Social Network Survey - Casual Video Land - Higher Rates - Fix CPL [Milti-GEO] - CPLZeydoo MX +53$0.04
Finance Survey (Android) - CPL Violet Skin [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.15
kreditum.ee [CPA]DoAff.net EE80%
XE Money Transfer [WEB+ App]Indoleads AU +32$3.5
Betting Survey - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.02
Social Network Survey - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.02
Crypto Simulator Android Prelander х2 CPA: pushSub + CPI [EE] - CPIZeydoo EE$0.03
Tesler - v3OLAVIVO EE +3$550
fjordbank.ee [CPL]DoAff.net EE$0.87
fjordbank.ee [CPA]DoAff.net EE$52.21
Finance Survey New Design (iOS) - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.13
GazProm CPA MD,AE,AZ,BY,UZ,TJ,KZ,GE [test api] - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$450
GazRusi CPA MD,AE,AZ,BY,UZ,TJ,KZ,GE [test api] - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$450
GazRusi Quiz CPA MD,AE,AZ,BY,UZ,TJ,KZ,GE [test api] - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$450
Finance Survey (Android) Higher Rates - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.2
Finance Survey (Desktop) - CPL [EE,PG] - CPLZeydoo EE +1$0.05
Finance Survey New Design (Android) - CPL [EE] - CPLZeydoo EE$0.15
mifundo.com [CPA]DoAff.net EE$59.82
Quantum System CPA MD,AE,AZ,BY,UZ,TJ,KZ,GE [test api] - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$450
swaper.com [CPL]DoAff.net EE$4.35
swaper.com [CPA]DoAff.net EE$1.09
Quantum CPA RU - FTDAdsellerator AT +28$450
bondora.ee [CPA]DoAff.net EE$65.26
Gas Success CPA RU + CIS + EU (RU-speaking) - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$400
KMG CPA RU + CIS + EU (RU-speaking) - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$400
Rus Plat CPA RU + CIS + EU (RU-speaking) - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$400
Gaz Invest CPA RU + CIS + EU (RU-speaking) - FTDAdsellerator AT +29$400

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