Advertising Network Details
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Description has 10 years of experience in online marketing, distributing premium sponsored content and driving target customers to your ‘doorstep’. We are among the first companies sucessfully to provide content marketing services to online advertisers at scale and developed one of the biggest native sponsored content networks all over the world. With, branded content is seamlessly integrated into web publishers’ environment, promoting performance, profits and online users’ experience for advertisers, publishers and consumers. Also, our publishers really enjoy one of the highest earnings rates in the industry with regular and reliable payments.
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Reviews (5)
I love this
Answer: 0
5 years ago
also nice Network
Answer: 0
7 years ago
hey I like work with contentad! But also I miss taget options. As for the rest - good traffic source!!
Answer: 0
7 years ago
I tried this one. Rather good traffic quality, but prices are pretty higher than revcontent prices for example.. the main disadvantage was the geo tagreting, when they have only 5-6 counties to target, the other ones are in the bandle from the category 'Bundle'
Answer: 0
7 years ago
would like to share my experience about it. It is a good ad network for tier 1 geo. Nothing special with content requirements, in general like in every native network.
Answer: 0
7 years ago