Advertising Network Details
Optimization details
GEO targeting:
ADFORM - it is an Advertising company knows that every client is important for you, that's why they assure, Adform will count every impression.
ADFORM main features for Publishers:
- Powerful automation and workflow for the promotion;
- Ad sales based on IO;
- Maximum privacy when you offer premium format;
- Video format, advertisers are ready to pay top dollar for high quality video;
ADFORM main features for Advertisers:
- Cross-channel, cross-screen, cross-device for maximum flexibility and reach;
- MRC approved tracking tools;
- Anti - fraud system;
- Easy -to - use API integration;
Being an Advertiser or a Publisher, once you create an account with ADFORM you will get dedicated experienced Manager who will help you the best.
If you have any other questions before sign up, please use the contacts above to contact ADFORM Team.
Check also reviews about ADFORM and the Information section to check their Pricing Models, Advertising Formats and Targeting options.
Don't forget to leave your review on ADFORM Advertising Network in Affbank catalog.
Network Manager
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