Saudi Arabia: global analysis of the region and analysis of TA

Saudi Arabia: global analysis of the region and analysis of TA

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is one of the largest Arab countries with huge oil reserves and high solvency of the audience. This is a premium GEO for affiliate marketing, and in order to effectively run traffic to it, you need to take into account the local features that we talked about in the review!

Saudi Arabia: General data

  • Area: 2,149,690 km²;
  • Capital: Riyadh;
  • Major cities: Mecca, Medina, Jeddah, Ed-Dammam, Al-Taif;
  • Borders: Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen;
  • Language: Arabic;
  • Currency: Saudi riyal;
  • Religion: Islam.

It is the largest Arabian Peninsula country with a hot and arid climate. Most of the population is concentrated on the coast of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, as well as in the capital.

Approximately 60% of the territory of Saudi Arabia is uninhabited land, and therefore we advise you to target the capital and large cities near the coast.

Please note that approximately 35% of the population of Saudi Arabia are labor migrants from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and India. Their ability to pay may be lower, and many of them do not understand Arabic well and have a different attitude to advertising than the indigenous population.

To avoid migrants and tourists in your ads, be sure to include language targeting.

The religion is Islam, and in general, the population of Saudi Arabia follows its postulates. Nevertheless, the locals do not refuse the benefits of civilization - more than 90% of the population uses the Internet, and they can be found on large sites like FB, IG, and YouTube.

The population is quite open to online shopping - due to import restrictions and tough local laws, it can be difficult for Arabs to find beauty and health products.

There are three main holidays in the country - Uraza Bayram (the end of Ramadan, it is considered differently every year), Eid al-Adha (70 days from Uraza Bayram), and National Day of Saudi Arabia (September 23). These days, the population rests and spends time with their families, they are not up to shopping.

The same applies to smaller holidays or even weekends - these days the audience is not as active as on weekdays. Running traffic in the middle of the working week is one of the best options.

Please note that New Year isn't celebrated in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia: Audience


  • Population: ~ 36,000,000 people;
  • Demographics: 55% male, 45% female;
  • Average income: $33,000 per year;
  • Source of income: Oil industry, tourism, business, government subsidies;
  • Feature: Very sensitive to violation of religious norms;
  • Appearance:

Saudi Arabia is geo with an extremely wealthy population, solvency at its best. In favor of poor people, there is even a 2.5% income tax paid by businesses and securities owners.

We can say there is no poverty in Saudi Arabia - but do not forget about labor migrants, who can spoil the statistics. Try to advance to the indigenous population, it is more solvent and easier to make a purchase decision.

Online activity

  • Internet penetration: more than 90%;
  • Popular sites: FB, Inst, YouTube;
  • Average internet speed: 88 Mbps;
  • The predominant type of traffic: mobile.

Internet is widespread in Saudi Arabia - more than 90% of the population use it, 75% are present on social networks, and buy things that cannot be found in local stores. As with most GEOs, mobile traffic dominates.

Internet is fast in speed and quite affordable, but not available in all parts of the country. Almost 60% of the state is occupied by deserts, excluding these regions from targeting, as they have less audience and there are connection problems.

Also, there is censorship and a firewall in the country - all foreign traffic passes through the filter. Sites with erotic content are prohibited (it should be borne in mind that Arabs can mistake even ordinary photos with open skin for erotica), gambling and games, and criticism of the government.

Such sites are blocked, and if the creator ends up on the territory of Arabia, he can be punished up to imprisonment.


We have identified several key mentality traits that you should rely on when developing a funnel:

  • Patriarchy. In this country, all decisions are made by men - including purchases for women. This means that if you have taken a vector for offers for a female audience, it is worth covering the male segment as well;
  • Love for specifics. Like any other Arabs, the local population prefers specifics in advertising. Make clear and strict promotional materials - speak directly about the effect and benefits of the purchase, give up bright colors and flashy slogans;

  • Brevity. Arabs love the brevity and value their time. Try to keep sales funnels as short as possible. 5-6 words for the creative text and a couple of landing screens are quite adequate volumes

  • Trust in locals. Localize promotional materials - add Arabs to them, taking into account the cultural code (for example, women with a covered head). Such an approach will cause more confidence and help to show the effect of the offer in more detail;

  • Religiosity. Do not forget that Saudi Arabia adheres to Islam and sacredly honors its rules. The audience will be offended if you violate the norms of Islam - and therefore you should avoid images of dogs, left hands, bare parts of the body, and other details that may be related to religion;
  • Magic, gods, and politics. It is not necessary to mention magic, gods, politicians, and famous people, especially from history. Also, you should avoid words that are related to religious texts - for example, "greatest" or "creation";
  • Languages. Promote in Arabic - most of the solvent population speaks it.

The population of Saudi Arabia is more than solvent and open to affiliate offers. For effective promotion, remember the important features of the local cultural code, which we described above.

Problems and offers

Let's move on to audience problems that can be solved with Nutra offers.

Do you want to find the most converting offers?

Write to the manager of Everad, he is always aware of what products will bring profit!

One of the first problems that Nutra offers can solve is potency. Do not forget that the Arabs are hot guys, their sex life is in full swing and is of great importance for the family and life.

Help users solve problems with potency with Nutra-offers, huge volumes of solvent male audience create an excellent foundation for promotion!

The next actual problem is prostatitis. Like many other rich GEOs, most of the population travels by car. In Saudi Arabia, people rarely walk. Bulky clothes that cover the entire body are not conducive to walking.

Accordingly, almost all of your audience are drivers, and prostatitis is the most common ailment for those who like to drive. Offers from prostatitis are more than in demand, we recommend testing them!

The last relevant category of offers is remedies for cystitis. Heat, stuffy clothes, lack of medicines for cystitis on the shelves and a tendency to drive a car only stimulate this ailment in local women.

This is a more than the relevant category of offers that consistently brings profit to Everad partners. You can also test it, but do not forget that even when promoting offers for women, it is worth reaching the male audience as well.

Among Everad nutra offers, there is an excellent offer that has proven itself in three niches at once:

Remedy for improving male libido

Payouts: up to $28, approve: ≈35%
TA: men 40-70
Traffic sources: facebook, natives
Working Approaches: Specialist Blog, News Article

Man’s health

Payouts: up to $25, approve: ≈30%
TA: men 40-70
Traffic sources: facebook, natives
Working approaches: personal blog, medical blog, interview with an expert

Women Health

Payouts: up to $28, approve: ≈35%
TA: women 40-70
Traffic sources: facebook, native
Working approaches: interview with an expert, news article

How to run traffic?

Prohibitions and negativity

Before starting to develop a bundle, we recommend taking a look at a few important prohibitions:

  • The ban on images of people. In Saudi Arabia, there are no images of people on the streets, unless it is about political figures. Keep this in mind when choosing pictures;
  • Islamic prohibitions. Religion forms a negative attitude towards many things, for example, the Saudis may be repelled by a large image of the left hand or erotic content;
  • Politics. It is better not to touch politicians and historical figures at all, more often it repels than attracts the audience, and moderation will become much more difficult;

For example, Prince Mohammed, his images are banned from advertising

  • Long videos. Give up long videos and voluminous sites, the Arabs are not ready to waste time on a long download.

To avoid negativity, be concise and brief, and do not touch on religion, famous people, and controversial topics. Also, refrain from promoting on holidays, as the audience is resting and does not have time for shopping.

Strategy: creatives, sources, landing pages

Now, it's time to deal with the strategy, let's take a look at the different elements of the bundle:

  • Sources. You can upload from FB, Inst, or YouTube - locals spend more time on these sites. An alternative option is advertising networks with specific traffic from Arabia, such as MGID or Speakol;
  • Targeting. Depending on the offer, the main vector should be taken for a male audience of 30+. In this country, decisions are made by men, and therefore they should not be excluded even when promoting offers for women;
  • Offers. The most relevant categories are cystitis, potency, and prostatitis, we recommend testing them. For current offers, write to the manager of Everad;
  • Creatives. Focus on brevity and succinctness, use Arabic faces, and stick to the cultural code. A simple and understandable creative with a minimum of colors and slogans will perfectly attract attention;

  • Landing pages. As in the case of creatives, take the vector for rigor and capacity. Shorten the sales funnel and avoid long landing pages, users are not ready to waste time on long stories.

First of all, take into account the craving for information among the Arabs, and use minimalistic promotional materials with reliable and complete information about the product and results. Shorten the sales funnel and do not forget about Sharia law, they are of great importance for the local audience.


  • The difficulty is medium. The volume of audiences, competition and traffic prices allow you to move comfortably, but you should be attentive to the cultural code, Arabs are easy to offend;
  • The general opinion is premium GEO with a rich audience, is great for affiliate marketing. The main difficulty lies in local specifics, mentality and the requirements of Islamic laws;
  • About the audience. Rich and conservative people with high morals adhere to patriarchy in families. Open to the benefits of civilization, when making a purchase decision, they take a vector for specificity and simplicity;
  • Important aspects. Religion, erotica, and politics are taboo topics, it is better not to mention them at all.
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