Advertising Network Details
Optimization details
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CPMoz is a platform focused on Pop-Under Advertising that allows advertisers and publishers connections from all around the globe. With CPMoz you can purchase traffic and run ad campaigns if you want to popularize your brand, you can earn money just by selling traffic or by using their affiliate program with a 10% revenue share.
As a Publisher, CPMoz offers you solutions to monetize your website and constantly provides expert advice to maximize your online revenue. You can benefit from weekly payment, $5 payout limit and no restrictions when it comes to minimum traffic,
As an Advertiser, you get Targeted audience and innovative campaigns that will increase your traffic and maximize the ROI.
For additional information before registering on the CPMoz platform, see the Information section to find out what Pricing Models they offer, which are their Targeting Options and Advertising Formats. Don’t forget to return on Affbank in order to leave a review about CPMoz.
Network Manager
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