Why CPA Aggregators do not work?

Why CPA Aggregators do not work?

Why CPA Aggregators do not work?

Just imagine the situation, you have created an Affiliate Network, you have a limited budget and you need to promote your company somehow. After the deep researches of all possible promotion channels, you choose CPA Aggregator, created an account for one month, paid for the Standard Listing, but nothing happened. Similar situation, yeah?

What to do if you have already created an account on the CPA aggregator, but leads are not coming?

Here I should say, that not everything depends on the aggregator you chose, a lot but not all. Today we will discuss the possible advertising formats and mistakes that Networks do choosing the advertising format and account creation.

Formalization of your account

First of all, you should understand that user independently of the sphere of work, spend his attention on the subject that looks attractively. What do I mean?


Each account must have the visual representation of the company, it must have the brand identity. The account without the logotype looks empty and in 70% user will pass by such account.


The second and the most important part is description. Even if you have the best and the coolest offers in the CPA Aggregator feed, it just 50% of success, because in case your description is empty the picture of your company isn't full. Publisher doesn’t know your payment terms, needed the type of traffic or what is your most profitable niches, he or she won't start analyzing your offers to find it out, he\she will take the same offer from the company with full description.

What should be mention in the description?

For Affiliate Networks:

  • Date of foundation
  • Minimum payment
  • Payment terms
  • Payment method
  • The niche of the network
  • Main offers categories
  • Needed type of traffic
  • Tracking Software


Personal connection is always a bridge of trust between publisher and network.

  • Manager Name
  • Manager email
  • Manager skype
  • Manager phone


For Ad Networks:

  • Date of foundation
  • Ad Format
  • Top Geo`s
  • Pricing mode
  • Payment method
  • Min budget
  • Impressions monthly, min.
  • Sources of traffic
  • Traffic Type
  • Type of Platform (DSP, SSP, RTB, DMP)
  • Types of targeting
  • Whitelists\ Blacklists
  • Tokens


Choosing the package.

You should be careful while choosing the adverting options at the CPA Aggregators, cause each type has it is own amount of impressions you will approximately get. Let's discuss it on the Affbank example. Service has the following advertising options and we will have a look at each of it:

  • Sponsored Listing - putting the network on the top of the list independently from the rating and add an unlimited number of the offers in the feed, what allows to get sixty percent more impressions to the network in comparison with Standard Listing.


  • Standard Listing – putting the network in the list. The placement of the network depends on the rating it has, but the network will never get the top and will be staying under the sponsored listing. So the impressions in the most will be taken by the networks with Sponsored Listing.


In both cases: Standard and Sponsored listing are just the lists and your place depends from the reviews your colleagues and partners that they leave on Affbank about you. To stay on the top in both listings you should have the highest rates.

  • Banner advertising – allows to put the banner on the site and attract a lot of leads, in case banner was prepared correctly and the place was chosen right.


Banner preparation. I am not going to discuss this question in the full topic, but here is a couple of tips for you, what should be used in the banner as a must:

  • Your company name/
  • logo
  • The value proposition
  • A visual representation of your service/image
  • A call to action button


Banner placement. The most interesting Is the banner placement because your banner can be created canonically, but due to the unpopular placement, it will have s minimum leads.

Let me give you a couple of advice on how to choose the place:

  • The theme of the banner must match to the theme os the page. For example, if you want to attract attention to your new niche, the banner is better placed on the offers page, if we are talking about new services the placement will be Affiliate Services page.
  • Pay attention to the information close to the banner placement. For example, the header banner will get 100% attention of the users:

  • The second good placement – context banner, during the user checking information he or she will surely see your advertisement. The attention is about 95%.

  • The third placement – under or in the middle of the filter. Almost 80% of users, use filters, so below the filter placed the button «Show» that activate the chosen filters and banner under this button will be the point of an eye.

  • The fourth and the last place – footer banner. Due to its bottom position, about 40% of users going down to the footer of the page, so the banner is less productive than 3 named from above.

Dedicated mail – allows sending information straightly to the affiliates.

This advertising way has its pros and cons.

The pros is that information is going to affiliates and allows to place as more information as possible in comparison with a banner, but it has cons – this is one time action and in comparison with the listing or banner advertisement, where audience building from the users monthly visiting the site, dedicated mail has the fixed audience on the moment of sending the mail. In general, the Dedicated mail CR = 15-20%.

Review article – is being written by the representatives of Affbank.

On the one hand - a good chance to attract as more users as possible to the network because almost every aggregator (good aggregate) buys and attracts the traffic to the reviews, especially if the article was written on the paid basis, on the other hand - in general blog has 1 article in a week and after a couple of weeks, your article will be going down and down until it will be moved to the second page, what makes her less visible and minimum productive. To attract organic traffic, the article must be: unique, interesting, written according to all SEO rules.

After you know about all pitfalls of advertising on CPA Aggregators, it will be much easier to choose the type of advertising or create selling the account.

Another side of cooperation

Yes, CPA aggregators are the main way to attract a lot of leads to your Network, but this is only the first part and the main thing is - they «attract» leads to your company, but for your sake to build strong cooperation on your side as well.

Support of communication with newcomer

After you get the wave of registrations coming from aggregators, do not forget to process the application, the user won't be waiting for several days, he\she just find new resources for traffic or offers.

But it is only the beginning.

Make it clear

  • The user can see the only information on the aggregator or on your site, but we both know that it is not read attentively.
  • You should explain to the person in details what is your company about, your niche, offers category, your metrics, KPIs and payment frequency.
  • Find out publisher`s preferences
  • Give a couple of examples of offers according to his preferences to interest him\her
  • You should support communication on the weekly basis, your publisher has to know that you look for the best offers for him\her and ready to support at any time.


Misunderstanding – the main problem in any niche or sphere, try to describe the fullest information about your company on CPA aggregators and after leads came to your panel.

What can I say? Let's go and take as more leads as possible!

Start to Use


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Hey, my name is Uliana, I am here to provide you with the top affiliate content, starting from Facebook arbitrage to Push traffic. Ask me anything: uliana@affbank.com

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